Tips for Painting a Child’s Bedroom
Whether your toddler will move out of the nursery soon into their own bedroom or you finally moved into that new house with a bedroom your child can call their own, you may plan to paint a child’s bedroom for the first time and feel overwhelmed with all of your paint color and finish options. While you have no rules you must follow when painting a child’s bedroom, you can take steps to ensure a great final result that both you and your child love.
Learn a few tips for painting a child’s bedroom that you should consider when choosing child’s Pittsburgh bedroom paint.
Choose an Easy-to-Clean Paint Finish
Children often color bedroom walls with crayons or touch walls with dirty hands before washing them. For this reason, always paint a child’s bedroom with a paint that has an easy-to-clean finish.
Like many amateur home painters, you may think that the finish, or sheen, of the paint you choose affects only the paint appearance. However, the finish of a paint also affects its stain resistance and how easy it is to clean. Choose a paint with a semi-gloss finish if you would like your child’s bedroom walls to be both stain-resistant and easy to clean.
If you dislike the shiny appearance of semi-gloss paint, then choose a satin finish paint that is less glossy, yet almost as stain-resistant as its shinier counterpart.
Inspire Creativity and Learning With Special Effects Paints
While you don’t want your child coloring on their painted walls, you can inspire creativity by painting one wall or just a few square feet of your child’s bedroom with special chalkboard paint. This paint type is available in many colors, including traditional black.
After you apply several coats of this to a bedroom wall and allow it to dry, your child can draw on it with chalk as they would write on a traditional classroom chalkboard. They can then remove their designs with a chalkboard eraser or dry cloth when they desire.
To make your child’s chalkboard magnetic, simply apply several coats of a magnetic primer under the chalkboard paint. They can then hang schoolwork, papers, and other lightweight items on their chalkboard with decorative magnets.
Don’t Shy Away From Bright or Dark Colors
Some parents know that they or their children would love to see their bedroom walls covered in a dark or bright color, but worry that these colors will be difficult to cover up with a lighter shade of paint when redecorating the room in the future.
However, covering dark paint with a lighter tone is not as difficult as many people think. Typically, the application of two coats of a paint primer is all it takes to prepare a wall of dark paint for the application of a lighter-toned paint. The lighter paint can then go on as usual.
However, if you would like to minimize extra labor and time in the future when choosing child’s Pittsburgh bedroom paint, paint just one accent wall a darker color and paint the rest a lighter hue that complements the dark shade well.
Keep Color Psychology in Mind
When you finalize your child’s bedroom paint color scheme, keep color psychology in mind. Shades of blue and green tend to be calming, which makes them good paint color options for children who tend to become anxious easily or struggle to fall asleep in their bedrooms.
Orange and yellow hues tend to be energizing, so paint a wall behind a desk in one of these colors if your older child tends to need a natural mental pick-me-up when completing homework assignments and studying for tests.
Keep these tips in mind when choosing child’s Pittsburgh bedroom paint. Contact the residential painting experts at Fagan Painting LLC for all of your household painting needs today.