How Professional Painters Can Help You With Color Consultation

house painters in pittsburgh pa

Choosing the right colors for your home or business can be a daunting task. However, professional painters, such as those at Fagan Painting offer more than just their technical skills; they can also provide valuable insights and guidance through color consultation and design services. Here are various ways professional painters can assist you in creating…

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Why Hiring a Professional Painter is Worth It For Exterior Painting

house painters in pittsburgh pa

Painting the exterior of your home is an important investment that can increase the value of your property and protect it from the elements. While many homeowners may be tempted to take on this task themselves, hiring a professional painter is worth it for several reasons. First and foremost, a professional painter has the necessary…

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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Accent Wall

painting company pittsburgh

Accent walls have been a mainstay in interior design for a number of years. A properly executed accent wall allows you to introduce more color and vibrancy into your home without overpowering your living space. Although you will only paint one wall in a vibrant hue when creating an accent wall, you must ensure that…

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5 Ways to Use Metallic Paint Inside or Outside Your Home

painting company pittsburgh

Do you love metallic shades? If so, incorporating them into your home’s paint scheme could be a unique and fun addition to your décor. But how should you use metallics when painting? Here are five ideas anyone can incorporate for the right look.

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Tips for Painting a Child’s Bedroom

exterior painting pittsburgh

Whether your toddler will move out of the nursery soon into their own bedroom or you finally moved into that new house with a bedroom your child can call their own, you may plan to paint a child’s bedroom for the first time and feel overwhelmed with all of your paint color and finish options.…

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Dos and Don’ts for Landlords Painting Rental Properties

commercial painting contractors near me

Your rental properties are an important investment, and how you maintain them will go a long way toward protecting that investment. One key part of good rental maintenance is the right use of interior painting. What should you know about painting rental units and common areas you own? Here are a few important dos and don’ts.

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Pittsburgh Professional Painting and Home Insurance Inspections

commercial painting contractors near me

If you buy a new house or seek out cheaper home insurance rates, one of the big parts of the process is the home insurance inspection. An inspector will check out the condition of your home and may have some criteria before you can get full coverage for your house. One area where an inspector…

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5 Foyer Problems You Might Solve With Paint Choice

commercial painting contractors near me

Are you unhappy with the foyer in your home? Foyers are an important feature of many homes, but they can be challenging spaces to decorate and paint. However, with the right strategy, you can use something as simple as a fresh coat of Pittsburgh foyer paint to revitalize your foyer and solve a variety of…

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5 Painting Tips for Your Home’s Open Floor Plan

commercial painting contractors near me

Open space floor plans are popular for many reasons. They add natural lighting, help a house feel open and airy, and boost conversation and shared activities. But they bring their own challenges with painting. With fewer walls and larger swaths of uninterrupted spaces that need paint, an open layout can be overwhelming for many homeowners.…

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Choosing the Best Color for Your Home Office Remodel

commercial painting contractors near me

Often neglected in the past, the home office is getting a lot of attention in interior design today. With more people working from home, the desire for a beautiful and functional workspace is growing in popularity. Unlike their sterile appearances in the past, today’s home offices are rich with color and exude a warm and…

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